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Blog of Faith

Sep 17, 2024

7 Keys on How to Have Friendship with the Holy Spirit

#1 BE BORN AGAIN  38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the f...

Sep 10, 2024

Is The Holy Spirit Really Changing Your Desires?

When you have the Holy Spirit... Worldly music won't sound the same. Clubbing and poppin bottles on the weekend won'...

Aug 27, 2024

9 Signs & Differences Between Carnal Minded Christian Vs. Kingdom Minded

If we don’t crucify our flesh privately, our flesh will crucify us publicly. & the reason why we don’t crave God...

Aug 20, 2024

How to have Godly Success and Significance

Our significance is found in Christ & our success is found in our obedience to Christ.  If you look for success ...

Aug 13, 2024

How To Examine Your Heart - 7 Keys

The condition of your heart, determines the direction of your life. Whatever your heart is tied to, that's what your...

Aug 6, 2024

How To TRULY Find Rest In Christ

Where you place your identity is where you will find your rest. True rest for a weary soul is in Christ. But when yo...

Jul 30, 2024

7 Signs Of The Religious Spirit

1 Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, a...

Jul 23, 2024

Exposing False Humility In The Body Of Christ

False Humility.  False Humility is an assignment of deception (tricked into believing something to be true), from th...

Jul 16, 2024

How To Renew Your Mindset According To God's word

Surrender is based on what you see God has given us the power to change our mind like it says in Romans 12:2. Do not...

Jul 2, 2024

What Is Spiritual Blindness?

Never let a religious spirit make you feel bad for loving Jesus. Don’t let blind people lead you. 14 Let them alone:...

Jun 25, 2024

Do You Need A Sign To Follow Jesus?

Do you need a sign to believe? Do we always need a sign from God to believe EVERY move we make?  29 Jesus said to hi...

Jun 18, 2024

5 Keys To A Healthy Disciple

You can be a Christian and not a disciple...  but you can't be a disciple and not a Christian.  Sharing the gospel (...
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