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3 Things You Need To Be Used By God In A Mighty Way

God desires to use you! There’s nothing more beautiful and glorious than to be used by God! God wants to use you to reach your family, friends, and other lost souls that need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

Thankfully, God isn’t asking for everyone to be a biblical scholar. He’s simply looking for a messenger that’s willing to be used for His glory. In the book of Acts, we see that Peter and John were uneducated, untrained men and God still did great and mighty things through them (Acts 4:13). You can watch the video version here.

Here are 3 Things You Need To Be Used By God In A Mighty Way:

1. A Pure Heart

The Word says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). To be used by God, we need to have a deep and close relationship with Jesus. If we fellowship with the darkness, we won’t be able to know Jesus and have the same desire to see His glory. We can purify our hearts by faith (Acts 15:9).

2. Humility

As God pours more wisdom into you and activates spiritual gifts like prophecy and healings, it’s crucial to stay humble. If you allow pride to take over, God will stop pouring into you. It’s possible for spiritual gifts to cease. Humility is key to continue to be used more and more for the glory of God.

3. Full Surrender to God's Will

Surrender to God if you want to be used. Surrender all that you are. Surrender your future, career, relationships, and everything you are. We see that it’s no longer our life, but we were bought by a precious price and it’s now God’s life (Galatians 2:20). This should give you freedom and peace. Surrender and God will take over in your life.

Those are three things that you need in order to be used by God for His glory. I’m excited for how God is going to use you as you purify your heart, humble yourself, and surrender everything to God. Rely on the Holy Spirit and walk by faith. God is with you. 

You can watch the video version here.

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