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Understanding How the Enemy Works

It's important to understand how the enemy tries to work and move in our lives.
The enemy is coming for your soul.
What's the soul?
It's your mind, your desires, and your emotions.
This is the battlefield Satan wages war against.
1 Peter 2:11 shows that the flesh wages war against the soul.
The enemy wants to attack us when:
1. Our flesh is weak
2. We're hungry
3. We're tired
We're called to be watchful and vigilant.
Recognize when you're in one of the three states above and know that the enemy wants to attack your soul when you're in one of those 3 conditions.
Thankfully God has given us a spirit of power and calls us to rule over our spirit (Proverbs 25:28).
Understand how the enemy is attacking, know when you're most vulnerable, and shut down the attack of the enemy so you can move forward in the fruit of the Spirit for the glory of God to be magnified in you.
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