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Blog of Faith

Feb 29, 2024

How The Holy Spirit Pours On Our Heart

There’s no other ‘religion’ out there that has the Holy Spirit. As followers of Christ, we’ve been graced & gifte...

Feb 27, 2024

Surrender that Leads to Sacrifice

As Christians we’re called to be a living sacrifice. Jesus gave His life for us on the cross. The least we can do is ...

Feb 22, 2024

5 Reasons God Allows Trials

Your trials will always reveal to you if you’re trusting God or not. Faith doesn’t always make sense… it makes miracl...

Feb 20, 2024

The Cost To Following Jesus

There is a cost to following Jesus. Cost: Price that needs to be paid in order to obtain, maintain, and produce Follo...

Feb 15, 2024

How To Move In God's Will

God’s will is found in God’s word. If you want to move in God’s will you must understand God’s word. Jesus tells us t...

Feb 13, 2024

Can They Love Like Jesus?

Can they love like Jesus? We loved because He first loved us. God’s love is unconditional. God’s love is sacrificial....

Feb 8, 2024

The TRUTH About What God Thinks About You

Simple truths of what God thinks about us. #1 God loves you more than you love yourself. (John 3:16 & John 15:13)...

Feb 6, 2024

How To Make This Next Year The Best Year According To Gods Will

God's will is greater than our will. If you want to make any year of your life the best year of your life, give it to...

Feb 1, 2024

How To Know You're Growing In Christ?

There are patterns in how God speaks. Discerning patterns in our lives is how we also discern God's voice in our live...

Jan 30, 2024

Garden Provisions | Is This Wilderness?

We MUST discern times and seasons. Learning how to discern the season you may be in… helps you navigate that season. ...

Jan 25, 2024

Jesus Did Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is the lie fighting against the truth. Jesus’ life was an example for us here on earth. How God ran...

Jan 23, 2024

God Did It But Can You See It? | Is This Wilderness?

To unlock God’s promises… we must go through the wilderness. Transitions must take place. Transition from bondage to ...
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