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Blog of Faith

Jan 22, 2022

How To Walk In The Supernatural

How do we walk in the supernatural? As believers & followers of Jesus we need these two things. The word of Go...

Jan 21, 2022

How To Live The Best Year Of Your Life For Jesus Christ

It's the last Monday of the year. We're on to the next year & we made it :) Wanted to talk about how to live the...

Jan 20, 2022

How to intercede for people in prayer

There are all different types of prayers like praise, thanksgiving, petition... & so much more.   Prayer is l...

Jan 18, 2022

How to Fear God and Receive His Blessings

First off, what does it mean to fear God?   1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love cas...

Jan 13, 2022

Why God chose Daniel and David

How did someone like Daniel get put in a position where he was able to interpret the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar...

Nov 22, 2021

The Power and Effect of God's Word

God's word is living and powerful.   It's sharper than any two-edged sword and can pierce to the division of ...

Nov 15, 2021

How to make time for God

Let's be honest. Life is busy. We have work, school, relationships, and ministry obligations.   We all have a...

Nov 8, 2021

Your Soul is Under Attack

This might not be the best news...   But your soul is under attack.   What's the soul?   It's the mind...

Nov 5, 2021

How to live a life of worship

sThis is the lifestyle God has for you.   A life of worship.   What does it mean to live a life of worship...

Nov 3, 2021

5 ways to walk according to God's Precepts

Just to be called by Jesus Christ, is a privilege in itself. It’s a calling that is upheld to the highest, holies...

Nov 2, 2021

Why is it hard to trust God

Sometimes it's hard to trust God.   But we're called to Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and lean not on...

Nov 1, 2021

How To Pray According To The Bible. 4 Types of Prayers

Let's talk about the different types of prayer. I see prayer as an instrument. And there are several types of in...
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