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Blog of Faith

Aug 19, 2021

Called to Be Like Christ

As a Christian, you are called to be an example as Christ was an example to all. But what does that mean and how d...

Aug 16, 2021

How To Win Souls

The Bible says, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). ...

Aug 11, 2021

Hateful, Unloving, and Judgmental Christians

One of the biggest reasons why I see people not open and receiving to the message of Christ is hateful, unloving, ...

Aug 9, 2021

Is it a Sin to Work on a Sabbath Day?

What do you think?   A lot of people have opinions and have created their own doctrine around the Sabbath day,...

Aug 4, 2021

How To Be A Living Sacrifice For Jesus

We are called to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). We are called to present ourselves as holy a...

Jul 26, 2021

How To Get Your Prayers Answered

How do you know whether or not you are praying a prayer from God? Sometimes our prayers don't get answered. But pr...

Jul 22, 2021

To Him Who Overcomes... Book of Revelation Promises

There are some beautiful promises to those who overcome in the Book of Revelation. Before we look at those promise...

Jul 19, 2021

The Spirit of Pride and Self Righteousness Examined

David said,   "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is a...

Jul 19, 2021

How to Minister to People Who Lost a Loved One

How can we minister to people who lost a loved one? This can be a tough situation to minister in, which is why I w...

Jul 12, 2021

How to Fully Surrender to Jesus

Surrendering to Jesus is a daily commitment. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. The best wa...

Jul 9, 2021

God Is Looking For A Humble Servant

Have you ever wondered what your calling is? Have you been asking God what His will is for your life? Do you wish ...

Jul 5, 2021

How To Stay Planted With God

Psalm Chapter 1 shows us how we can stay planted with God. Let's look at it verse by verse.   (Watch the full...
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