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Blog of Faith

Aug 3, 2023

Why It's Important To Know Who I Am In Christ - Part 1/5

Knowing who we are in Christ is very important with living a victorious lifestyle with the Lord. Jesus came...

Aug 1, 2023

Why We MUST Forgive - Forgiveness & Figs

Unforgiveness is drinking poison thinking the other person is suffering. The person you haven’t forgiven isn’t ...

Jul 27, 2023

What Are The Spiritual Gifts In Romans?

We find 7 more spiritual gifts in the book of Romans 3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone wh...

Jul 25, 2023

What Are The Seven Gifts Of The Spirit?

The gifts of the spirit allow us to align our life with God. This is evidence for the believer that they are wa...

Jul 20, 2023

Struggling With Crucifying The Flesh... Read THIS

We CANNOT cast out the flesh, we must crucify it! 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good ...

Jul 18, 2023

What Are The Holy Spirit Spiritual Gifts

There are 9 Spiritual Gifts shared in 1 Corinthians 12   8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the ...

Jul 13, 2023

How To TRULY Carry God's Presence

We ALL carry God's presence. The Holy Spirit.   This isn't saying you don't have the Holy Spirit... but it'...

Jul 11, 2023

What Are The Ministry Gifts?

We have grace that was given according to the measure of Christ's gifts...   7 But to each one of us grace was...

Jul 6, 2023

5 Signs You're Born Again

You must be BORN AGAIN! John 3.   These are the words of Jesus.   3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Mo...

Jul 4, 2023

What Are ALL The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit... our guide, comforter, teacher, revelator.   The Holy Spirit that is upon all the believers ...

Jun 29, 2023

What Is The TRUE Gospel?

We've heard a lot about the Gospel.   In its simplest form.   Jesus got crucified, died & resurrected ...

Jun 27, 2023

What Does The Gospel Mean According To The Bible

Good news. Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John are called the Gospel’s because it studies the life of Jesus Christ....
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