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Blog of Faith

Apr 6, 2023

Why Should We Get Baptized By Water

Getting baptized in water is a public declaration of a private decision we made to accept Jesus as our personal Lord...

Mar 30, 2023

3 Steps To Build An Altar For Jesus

An altar is a platform where the spiritual realm connects to the physical realm. Altars are where covenants are acti...

Mar 23, 2023

How To Pray In The Holy Spirit

Praying in the Holy Spirit is aligned with God. With power. With Authority. With His will. With His guidance It’s a ...

Mar 17, 2023

3 Signs To KNOW It's God's Will

Joseph went from pit to palace to prison to overseeing the resources of the nation of Egypt. It was a process that ...

Mar 9, 2023

7 Ways To Know It's NOT God's Will

We talk about Gods will. But do we understand what's NOT God's will? Here are 7 ways to know it's not God's will.  #...

Mar 2, 2023

How To Be In God's Will

 3 principles to know how to be in God's will #1 Surrender #2 Scripture #3 Seek As we continue to exercise these pri...

Feb 23, 2023

What Does The Bible Say About Oil?

What does the bible say about oil? Oil symbolizes the presence and the power of God. We see oil is used to anoint pe...

Feb 16, 2023

3 Signs To KNOW It's God's Will

Joseph went from pit to palace to prison to overseeing the resources of the nation of Egypt.   It was a proces...

Feb 9, 2023

How To Operate In The Anointing

The anointing allows us to operate in our God given assignment. Same anointing, but we have different assignments a...

Feb 2, 2023

What Is Discernment According To The Bible?

What is discernment? Discern- to test, examine, prove  Whether it's genuine or not.  To deem worthy or recognize. 10...

Jan 26, 2023

The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus - 7 Benefits

There is POWER in the blood of Jesus. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory tha...

Jan 19, 2023

How To BREAK Strongholds - 3 Ways

What is a stronghold? A castle, stronghold, fortress, fastness... In other words... it's arguments or reasonings... T...
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